F. Storti+* and F. Salvini*
*Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università "Roma Tre", Largo S. L. Murialdo 1, 00146 Roma, Italy.
+Corresponding Author: e-mail storti@uniroma3.it
Recent hydrocarbon discoveries in the Southern Apennines of Italy have focussed attention on the importance of studying fracturing and cataclasis in carbonate rocks because of their fundamental impact on reservoir permeability and connectivity. The Narni Anticline in the central Apennines consists of a stack of easterly-verging carbonate thrust sheets compartmentalized by extensional and strike-slip fault zones. The structure provides a field analogue for studying the evolution of superimposed fold- and fault-related fractures in carbonate reservoir rocks.
The fracture pattern at the Narni Anticline developed as a result of three mechanisms: (a) layer-parallel shortening predating folding and faulting; (b) thrust-related folding and further thrust breakthrough; and (c) extensional and strike-slip faulting. Along-strike (longitudinal) fractures developed during progressive rollover fault-propagation folding, and their intensity depends on the precise structural position within the fold: fracture intensity is high in the forelimb and low in the crest. The 3-D architecture of the mechanical anisotropy associated with thrusting, folding, and related fracturing constrained the location and geometry of subsequent extensional and strike-slip faulting. The superimposition in damage zones of a fault-related cleavage on the pre-existing fracture pattern, which is associated with layer-parallel shortening and thrust-related folding, resulted in rock fragmentation and comminution, and the development of cataclastic bands.
The evolution of fracturing in the Narni Anticline, its role in constraining thrust breakthrough trajectories and the location of extensional and strike-slip faults, and the final development of low-permeability cataclastic bands, will be relevant to studies of known oilfields in the Southern Apennines, as well as for future exploration.